Saturday 6 August 2011

'Back to Reality' and 'Why Sydney isn't such a bad place :-)'

Well, the last Tassie trip is but a memory - rapidly fading from my mind by the benality of work, bills and city living. I do take heart though from the fact that every time I visit the place we've decided to call home, I get an energy and sense of renewal never within my reach in the city. I also feel that we've made the right choice in where to start putting down roots. Every time we visit we meet a few more people. They vary between the 'colonial' (longtime Tassie farmers) to recent tree-changers and everything inbetween. The one emulsifying factor between these varying personalities is a love for the valley and a wish to live just a little simpler.

Let's reel back from romance and talk reality. I have started an online TAFE course in Web Development to try and increase my employment prospects down south. "It is the way of the future"... In my dreams we can start our life and build our house and farm without ever working for a wage again. Hmmm. Geoff is still plugging away at his electrical trade certificate (and doing extremely well, I might add). He will be finished in under 1 year. All these steps take us closer.
Every time we visit my anxiety eases. Every time we visit I love it even more.


The weather in Sydney has been beautiful. Blue skies and warm spring temperatures. It's times like this that I think of all the cities in Australia, Sydney is the best. I had an appointment in the city today - I spent the rest of the afternoon walking around Hyde Park and generally people watching. The shops shit me but the old sandstone buildings in Sydney are beautiful. The magnificent big green Morton Bay Fig trees in Hyde Park make for ethereal native sculptures. The young kids practising their 'ollies' and 'kick flips' (who knew I was so well versed?!) etc. on their skateboards and the BMX riders are mesmerising - They video their expertise to publish on websites. I love watching people 'doing their thing'. Makes me wish I had 'a thing'....other than people watching.

A sunny day on Sydney Harbour

Balmoral Beach

Balmoral Beach

Another 'friend' in urban Sydney
One of our balcony 'friends'

I don't think U2 will be touring to Cygnet any time soon :-)