Tuesday 10 July 2012

Get to the point!

For all this blogging you could be forgiven for thinking that all we do is holiday in Tasmania. But I assure you we are making way with our plans for the farm.

Aurora energy have said that they will run the extra wires to our place for nothing which was excellent news. The power lines stop at either side of our property frontage and we were thinking that it could be expensive to get it to us. They said they would need to upgrade the transformer (Geoff?) but they will pay for that. Quite a relief. Mind you, we still need to run from the shed site to the road. This could cost a bit as we would like it to go underground. Geoff has organised a neighbour to provide a quote (we have two electricians on our road - Geoff makes a third...) so we'll see how that goes.

Once we agree on the quote we will hop-to with the power as we would like to get a shed built. I'm saying before the end of this year but seeing as it is July already I think that is a bit ambitious. If it's built within the next twelve months I'll be happy. I can't wait to have a place to put all my tip-shop finds!

I am still confused as to what design to use for the house but here is something I knocked up on Google Sketch - a nifty little drawing program.