Monday 30 May 2011

Our First Job

Our first job on 'the farm' is to try to get control of the blackberries. Blackberries are notoriously difficult to get rid of. We are hoping to get them under control without the use of sprays and chemicals.
I hear the best way is to get some goats in to clear the brambles then some pigs to dig up the roots. This is my preferred option but not one we can really consider without being down there.
I think we will need to be happy with just cutting them back every time we visit and at least not let them spread any further.
I've read blogs where people have been fighting them for decades! Oh my. I would like to keep some of them as they are yummy!
When we were down at 'the farm' in February, the blackberries were ripe and black and juicy. I gorged on them slightly lamenting their bleak future...

Here are some photos of 'the farm' in February.

Saturday 28 May 2011

The First Post

Well, this is my first of many (I'm sure) posts to my blog. I doubt anybody other than my family will be reading it for a while - possibly ever! I'm hoping to use this blog to document our (Husband Geoff and me) journey from Sydney citydwellers working in TV, to countryfolk growing our own food on our very own acres.
In January, 2011 we became the very proud (and slightly apprehensive) owners of a 32 acre pasture block on top of a hill overlooking the village of Cygnet in the Huon Valley, Tasmania. The block has a house site excavated, but not much else!

The planning starts...