Monday 27 June 2011

Countdown to Holidays

I'm so excited. Early Saturday morning Geoff and I will be winging our way to Hobart via Melbourne. That is, of course, if volcanoes and ash clouds don't interfere!! We will be down for 10 days. I plan on doing some weeding at 'the farm', some
tip-shopping, some touristy type stuff, some cooking up of beautiful local produce and some blissful hibernation in front of the fire. I'll be taking my work-in-progress crochet blanket and my camera gear.
Stand-by for some pictures...


Carmel said...

What is tip shopping Em? Sounds like a real nice break. Enjoy.

Unknown said...

All the garbage tips here have 'tip shops' where they sort out all the good stuff from the rubbish and recycle it. You can find some really fabulous things.