Thursday 26 March 2015

Be careful what you wish for.

Well. This blog is about to get a massive injection of posts.
We are finally in the financial position to start building our home down on our empty block.
And you thought it would never happen!
We have engaged a building designer/contractor person and are in the preliminary design phase. We're hoping to have a contract signed and dated before 30th June 2015 to take advantage of a First Home Builders government boost which ends this financial year. Plans through council soon after and hopefully building by October.
It's absolutely incredible to think that this time next year we may (fingers crossed) be actually LIVING at our place.
There are so many things we're unsure of. Like what are we actually going to do with 32 acres? Beyond our own self sufficiency it'll have to earn it's keep. Geoff will continue travelling with his TV work for the time being. But I have basically retired from all that and am still unsure what direction my life will take other than South.
We have been staying with my parents in Wagga since our daughter was about about 4 months old. We had to make the decision whether or not I returned to my job at Channel 9. I decided I was done and unfortunately Sydney is not really the town for a single income family saving to move to Tassie.
My Massive Distraction at about 5 days old.
My Massive Distraction this week at 17 1/2 months.
In the meantime I will just write about my experience on here. I really enjoy reading about other people's experiences in the whole lifestyle change sphere. So maybe someone will stumble across this and learn something from us.
It certainly is a scary thought. Be careful what you wish for because you just may get it - then what are you going to do?

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