Saturday 24 October 2015


It is indeed a virtue.

And happily one I have been in possession of... so far.

I have to admit though it's wearing thin. I knew the council process was the most likely to cause delays. And it hasn't disappointed. Ticking bureaucratic boxes. With every email or phone call from the builder - a deep breath taken and another invoice paid. The biggest issue has been the water treatment plant and dispersal area.

The end is in sight. Hopefully in less than two weeks we will have the green light. That of course will then depend on the bank. And they aren't known to dawdle...

In happier news I have engaged an old friend who happens to be a cabinet maker to build me my two kitchen benches. My kitchen will be very simple with no cupboards. Just the two benches - one for the sink and dishwasher and a big island bench for prep. Everything else goes into the large walk in pantry. I'm very lucky - he's making me an end-grain butchers block as well and doing it for a great price.

They're going to look amazing.

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